Yet more new bloggers emerge

Yet more new bloggers emerge

law actually - more blogs join the 'sphere

I know, I know – I’m as surprised as you are. I thought we’d exhausted our quota of new blawgers for this year so I did a double-take when I glimpsed the following bunch come ambling down the pike.

As ever, all are highly recommended.

Legally Weighting made a bit of a faltering start to her blogging career, but that’s not to say that all can’t still come good. Started in September 2010, LW has seen a mere 10 posts so far and nothing since early January. But judging from earlier posts, this blogger has a lot to offer and I hope she graces us with her presence again soon.

Speaking of names, I initially had visions of Legally Weighting being the blog of an amateur weight lifter turned law student, but it turns out I was miles from the mark. It appears that LW is a (semi?) mature law student with two sons, and currently doing battle with the OLPAS portal whilst trying to lose weight.

In LW’s first post, she sums up her position:

Having completed my law degree, a PG diploma and the Bar Vocational Course, I'm now at that stage of trying to get the much wanted pupillage. And boy is it tough.

Damn true. But she can count on shedloads of moral support from the blogosphere as she takes that meandering journey on the quest towards a pupillage.

Ashley Connick – Social butterfly Ashley has a lot to say and with all of his flittering here and fluttering there, he’s carved out a nice little niche for himself in a tasteful corner of the blogosphere. A regular legal tweeter, sometimes Ashley flutters over from Twitter and throws up a cracking post on his blog which generally receives a good bunch of comments and associated buzz.

Ashley’s not afraid to tackle a diverse range of subjects, with a particular focus on legal education and legal blogging.

Ashley’s currently finishing his legal studies before starting his training contract in 2012 with an international law firm. His blogging maxim is clearly ‘quality rather than quantity’ and is very Minx-esque in that regard, albeit without the numerous strikethroughs!

I fancy that Ashley will be in the blawgosphere for quite some time to come and it should be interesting to see how he manages that cross over from law student to trainee.

Miss TS – Another great newcomer and reminiscent of many of the old-skool legal blogs which have gone on to great things. Miss TC is a trainee solicitor in a commercial firm who’s apparently, ‘helping people in need and overhauling the justice system’ whilst wearing her trademark red high heels of course.

Insightful and well-written posts tackle a variety of subjects which always seem to hit that sweet-spot in terms of length. Undoubtedly, the blawgosphere has another corker on its hands with Miss TS and I look forward to reading more from her going forward.

Never let it be said that Miss TS is all work and no play; perhaps the background picture of a cocktail glass betrays her favourite way of winding down after a hard week in the office?

WannabeQC – When I casually suggested to WannabeQC via Twitter that he should start a blog, I didn’t think he actually would. The next thing I know is that the ‘sphere has a new participant and one with a fascinating story to tell as well.

Yes, it seems that Wannabe (cue that awful little number from the spice girls) made a rather inauspicious start to his academic career but having started his LLB he’s really found his feet and already outperforming many of his peers. With just two posts to his name, let’s hope that Wannabe re-finds his initial blogging mojo and becomes a regular in the UK student blawgophsere.

Diet Justice – is the new creation of uber-ambitious blogger, Ollie, who formerly penned ‘No Such Word as Kant’. For those of you who missed it, No Such Word as Kant burst onto the blogging scene but his ferocious posting frequency made me initially fear that he’d burn himself out. Happily, I’ve been proven wrong on that front!

Ollie clearly felt that NSWAK was restricting his creativity and his new blog sports a new name and a lick of paint. The result is an attractive blog and one which tackles a broad range of subjects and Ollie always has something interesting to say. As well as being a second year law student, he’s battling health problems along the way, too, and is frequently blogging from his hospital bed as he convalesces from his weekly op. He should get bonus blogger points for bravery at the very least!

I’m looking forward to seeing this blog evolve and mature; there’s a lot going on here and there are rumblings of even more exciting projects yet to come. Stay tuned!


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