I stumbled across a post packed full of nuggets of law school wisdom on the quirky blawg of a US law student, curiously named Moonshine Project. Check out the full post.
Studying - Go apeshit at first… try a little bit of everything. Highlighters, lowlighters, reading every word, skimming, taking notes, making up rap songs about cases, haiku, you name it. … Don’t guilt yourself into a traditional method if it’s not your style.
Great advice. It’s very easy to fall into the trap of thinking you’ve got to adhere to old-skool ways to be successful. Not so.
Romance - This may sound formulaic, but trust me. Weeks 1-5, KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS. Make friends. There is PLENTY of time to shack up in weeks 6-15 and thereafter, but once you forego the opportunity to get to know lots of people (not just the sexy ones) and instead burn bridges with short-lived stress-induced relationships (don’t fool yourself into thinking they’re more than that) you will never be able to undo that choice.
WELL KEPT SECRET: You will make some very wonderful friends in law school – chances are your future Wifey/Hubby isn’t the skank you saw dancing on the table at Bar Review… [well, steady-on... don't rule anything out*] but the girl/guy who brought you skittles in contracts because they knew you were on call.
* My comment. ;-)
Good advice, but likely to fall on deaf ears. First year law students tend to be a randy bunch and waiting 6 weeks might be a tall order. In fact, there’s usually a few female law students who are scheduling appointments with the abortion clinic by the time the first reading week comes around.
Attire - For first impressions, go business trendy. What the hell is business trendy? I don’t know… wing it. Girls: try some sharp jeans with a blouse that isn’t buttoned up to your chin (I made this mistake on my first day, which is forever memorialized in our student “facebook”) and a notable accessory to add some personality. Boys: jeans and a polo, or button-up/blazer if you want to be a little extra schwanky.
Wow. What a difference. You’d be hard-pressed to find any student in a blazer in most UK law schools (including most of the lecturers), save for when it’s moot court season, of course. In fact, I’ve seen first year students practically roll up in their PJs.
Caffeine – Love it!
Can’t argue with that.
Adventures - Have em! The last thing a lawyer wants to hear about is your friggin journal. They LOVE to hear, however, about that time you were in the City and almost knocked Carlos Santana out with a flashlight.
Hehe... love it. I’ve no idea who Carlos Santana .... oh, thanks Wikipedia. But seriously... who? :-$
All great advice though! :-)
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