Why the Blawgosphere is doomed

Why the Blawgosphere is doomed

blogosphere is doomed On Barmaid's blog, I recently suggested to supposedly avid blawgosphere reader, Katie, that she create her own blog and join the party properly, if only as a means of serving as her 'help meet'.  Sadly, she wasn't keen.

"Hey Michael - nice idea, but i have far too much fun ready you're [sic] blogs! And plus it would be more like a distraction for me(rather than motivational). but nice suggestion though."

Oh well.  It's your loss, Katie.  But does the blawgosphere lose too?

The ‘sphere needs new blood - desperately, if the out and out truth be told.  And it's not going to get it from an ageing bunch of law graduates, now slightly squidgy round the edges, growing bitterer by the day.  (Speak for yourself, Michael :p).

Indeed, I seem to have attracted the reputation of being the Victor Meldrew of the blawgosphere - and not, I might add, without good reason. 

We've lost that air of virginal innocence and thirst for life under the years of strain, studying and exams. And now, weighed down with the tedium of working life, that former sense of life and vibrancy in the blawgsphere is seeping away.  Save for Andro & Charon QC who are choking my RSS reader daily, most members of the blawgosphere are now notable by their absence.  I don't include the ever-dwindling members of the the inner sanctum of blawgers in that - Asp Bites, AW, CBC, Lost LLS, BM, Swiss, Pooni, Travis and yours truly.  But the point remains that blawgosphere is a mere shadow of its former self. 

When you look at some of the blogs the most recent newcomers have fielded, it doesn't look encouraging at all:

-  Alan Plawtridge - possibly holding the record for the most-promising yet shortest-lived entrant of all time.  Blink and you missed it.

-  That other kid?  (Oh, that was it - Loony Uni) - enough said, I think.

-  Pink Polka Pimple - a blog which degenerated into nail-varnished, red-lipped and rose-cheeked farce.


You get my point.

So why this great reluctance with the legally-inclined youngsters out there in cyberspace to blog? There are more law students than ever.   You can't tell me that they're busier than we used to be.

I don't want to see the blawgosphere age ungracefully to the point that we're all croaking to one another, 'what's that dear?' followed by 'ooh, did she?' and the inevitable, 'well, I never?!'  That's not what the 'sphere should be - a retirement home for washed-up blawgers.

Perhaps we all need Minxy back, to cheer us up with her boundless maternal energy.  Maybe she'll make a comeback a la Michael Schumacher to launch her second career after a few seasons in retirement?


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