Happy Birthday Law Actually

Happy Birthday Law Actually

Happy Birthday Law Actually graphic

Yep, they come around quickly, don’t they? Law Actually is 4 today!

I created and started the blog, Law Actually, on 19th February 2007, and an awful lot has happened in the blawgosphere during these four years. We’ve all seen a lot of blawggers come and go, whilst some of the respected stalwarts have stuck it out and continue to go from strength to strength. I guess Law Actually is somewhere in the middle.

Sometimes, now more than ever, I struggle a bit to find the time to keep updating Law Actually as often as I’d like, but that struggle is worth suffering in my opinion.  Blogging is still something I enjoy and have always found strangely therapeutic for whatever reason.

I’ve tried to ‘do my bit’ in reinforcing the camaraderie in the UK blawgsphere over the last 12 months.  I’ve continued to flag-up newbie bloggers as I stumble across them (check out the previous post for the latest) and my blawgin’ lovin’ campaign, remote interviews and co-hosted 2010 Blawggies (with Andro and Law Minx) all went down a storm.  Well, kind of.

I still intend to be about and actively blogging for a while yet. Will I make it to the big 5 years in 12 months’ time? Who knows?  I hope so. 

But what ever happens, I hope you, faithful reader, will be tagging along for the ride.

Be right back


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