The British Columbia Government Employees Union, which started the USA PATRIOT ACT and outsourcing firestorm in BC a while ago, has presented a fifty-thousand name petition against privatizing government jobs by outsourcing:
BCGEU: Right-to-Privacy Campaign presents 50,000-name petition opposing the privatization of government jobs:"The BC Government and Service Employees� Union congratulated Right-to-Privacy-Campaign representatives who turned over petitions totaling 51,203 names to the Opposition caucus in Victoria today, opposing the contracting out of Medicare and Pharmacare jobs to private companies.
While support for stopping the privatization of Medicare and Pharmacare jobs is welcome, President Heyman cautioned that all personal information in government data banks is at risk.
"The Campbell Liberals are proceeding with plans to contract out help desk, disaster recovery and many other services to the private sector," Heyman said. "If these contracts proceed, virtually every piece of confidential information handled by the government could be accessed by private multi-national corporations.""
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