Computer theft puts military and intelligence officials at risk

Computer theft puts military and intelligence officials at risk

SAIC, one of the leading employee-owned R&D companies in the US, has experienced a theft of computers containing personal information of its shareholders (and employees). The company does a huge amount of military work, which mak es the information additionally sensitive. Not only is there a risk of identity theft, there may also be national security issues as well. As reported in the Washington Post (registration required):

Break-In At SAIC Risks ID Theft (

"Some of the nation's most influential former military and intelligence officials have been informed in recent days that they are at risk of identity theft after a break-in at a major government contractor netted computers containing the Social Security numbers and other personal information about tens of thousands of past and present company employees.... "

Slashdot has a discussion of the incident here. Thanks to Privacy Digest for the pointer.


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