Proposed Ontario law about adoption records raises important privacy issues

Proposed Ontario law about adoption records raises important privacy issues

Today's Globe & Mail is reporting on a debate that has been simmering for some time in Ontario. The province's legislature is debating Bill 183, the Adoption Information Disclosure Act, 2005, which turns the existing system on its head by presuming disclosure of adoption records at the request of either the adoptee or the birth parent. The current regime requires both parties to register with the government if they want to be contacted or to receive informaiton on the other party. The proposed law requires a "do not contact" notice if the individual does not want their information handed over. Ontario's Information and Privacy Commissioner has come out strongly against the proposed change. Years ago mothers gave children up for adoption on an implied promise that they could do so without the risk of the information being provided later. Now, that promise is threatened. See The Globe and Mail: Adoption changes would open door to the past.


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