I've just received a nice note from Darce Fardy, the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Review Officer. (Roughly the province's equivalent of a privacy commissioner, though most of his time is spent on the access side of his mandate.) His Order-in-Council expires on January 23, 2006 and he has decided not to re-up for any further term. He will stay on in an interim capacity until his successor is appointed.
Darce began his career as a journalist and found himself as the Head of Network Television Current Affairs before he switched gears to the access and privacy file. He has also worked with the United Nations in New York.
On a personal note, I have to say that he has been great to work with. He's a true gentleman and I've always found him to be very willing to see both sides of an issue.
Anybody who knows him knows that he is a "true believer" that access to information is among the most important levers that holds a democratic government accountable to citizens. I think it must be a thankless task and he has lamented in the past that a citizen's right of access to information is not sufficiently well known. His suggestions for reforms of the province's access to information laws have been generally ignored by the parties in power, but he plans to continue to "spread the gospel", as he has called it, after his retirement.
For more info, you can check out the FOIPOP Review Office website.
Enjoy your retirement and all the best, Darce.
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