Not again: Medical records found on street

Not again: Medical records found on street

SANS PrivacyBits is pointing to a recent article about medical records found in the streets of San Diego:

"USA: Medical Records Found on Street (22 September 2004)

The medical records of about three to five patients at San Diego's Kaiser Hospital were found in the street outside of the hospital. According to a hospital representative, the papers fell out of a recycling bin that was being picked up by the Edco Recycling company. Kaiser is reviewing its contract with Edco and working to prevent any future incidents.

[Editor's Note (Hofman): A good reason to have secure shredding bins, with locks that are taken off when the contents are processed.

(Murray): Information leaks; get used to it. This kind of leakage is not nearly so serious a problem as the routine use of medical records by service providers, insurers, and government. ]"


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