Health 2.0 Boston: Tweet Stream Analysis

Health 2.0 Boston: Tweet Stream Analysis

Chris Hogg does a great job of capturing the metrics of the Twitter discussion that occurred during the recent Health 2.0 Boston conference. Check out his slide show analysis of the Tweet Stream from the conference.
As someone who tweets at conferences that I attend I found the analysis very interesting. Some of what interested me the most from the slides:
  • There were over 3,000 tweets from 344 people attending the conference. Don't know what the total attendance of the conference -- but I suspect the 344 number is a relatively large percentage of the total attending.
  • Loved the use of the Wordle clouds to visually represent the discussion that occurred via Twitter.
  • Great to see the word "patient" as the second most tweeted word.
  • Slide 10 shows a mapping of those in the Health 2.0 network. Would love to see a blown up version of this slide to see the connections in more detail.


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