Have web technologies evolved far beyond the blog already? Are bloggers a bit 'last year'? Granted, blogs aren't exactly the newest thing on the web these days and the style and purpose of blogs continue to evolve into something more community-oriented.
But is being a blogger something to be ashamed of?
According to Leo Laporte and Amber MacArthur in this week's Net @ Night podcast the blog is far from the cutting edge.
Leo: "it just feels to me that it's sooooo nineties" ...."the term 'blog' just seems diminutive".
"Blogs are big but they're a little bit mainstream"... [they] "seem a bit old-fashioned".
Amber: [the term blogger] "almost seems like an insult".
And her response to people who introduce her as a blogger? "You know what, I don't actually blog that much".
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