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- Law blogger posts online: ChoicePoint in the spotlight again; seeking access to California drivers' records on behalf of DHS
- Law blogger posts online: Media coverage of UC-Chico hacker incident.
- Law blogger posts online: The Rootkit of All Evil
Time Magazine is running a good story on the ChoicePoint incident, delving into the details of the recent security incident and exploring the background of this hitherto unknown company: Are Your Secrets Safe? -- Mar. 07, 2005
More related web entries for - Time Magazine on the ChoicePoint incident:
- undefined
- The Rootkit of All Evil
- Daniel Solove, Chris Hoofnagle propose a new model privacy regime for the United States
- NYT: How Billions of Pieces of Information Are Bought and Sold
- The root causes of identity theft
- What's the root of identity theft
- ChoicePoint CEO on the hot seat in Senate Committee Hearings
- Identity Theft / Privacy / ChoicePoint Cartoons
- ChoicePoint sells access to FBI and Pentagon to track terrorists and others
- ChoicePoint, BofA and Lexis fallout hits Canada
- Senate Banking Committee hearings on recent privacy incidents
- Schneier on Security: ChoicePoint Says "Please Regulate Me"
- Summaries of incidents cataloged on PIPEDA and Canadian Privacy Law
- Senate Banking Committee to hold hearings on security of sensitive consumer information
- Consumers Union: "LEXISNEXIS Security Breach Underscores Need To ReinIn Loosely Regulated Information Broker Industry..."
- In never rains, it pours: ChoicePoint files found riddled with errors
- Incident: Personal information of 32,000 stolen from LexisNexis
- ChoicePoint appoints first privacy officer
- ChoicePoint filing suggests further 17,000 affected consumers
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- Bailey: Confirm identity, don't legislate privacy
- Personal information is a powder keg -- or an underground storage tank
- The Need for ChoicePoint
- ChoicePoint exits small business sales; CEO says he wasn't aware of breach
- US parties split on proposed data protection and notification laws
- Can We Get Some Privacy, Please? :: Internet World
- Data aggregators pose a terrorism risk?
- The other side of ChoicePoint
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