Porn deserves same respect as Hollywood movies

Porn deserves same respect as Hollywood movies

Digital Rights - PornFrom Torrent Freak 18.03.08:

The legendary Ron Jeremy has had enough of video streaming sites such as YouPorn and PornTube, that host pirated versions of his epic movies for free. Jeremy says adult content deserves the same respect as Hollywood’s majors do, and is happy that Vivid Entertainment is going after these sites.

The public needs to understand that piracy is killing the adult industry, Jeremy said: “What harms the industry is the Internet.

“Now Vivid is suing them, while demanding the same treatment as his colleagues in Hollywood. You wouldn’t see YouTube play a full-length feature of a Steven Spielberg film. But they think that it’s just porn so they can get away with it. So now Vivid is striking back. Piracy is piracy, whether the film is PG, R or X. We deserve the same respect.”

Now the world is firmly in the midst of the digital creative-content era – of which the internet plays a massive part in distribution - piracy and abuse of IP rights is at an all-time high. This is largely unavoidable: as access to all manner of creative material is increased, naturally the abuse of intellectual property rights will rise too. Some insiders have argued that the internet has ripped the heart out of the porn industry; others have claimed that whilst the business model has just undergone a massive change, business is booming.

More formats for the material, larger audiences and greater ease of distribution must be balanced against a an increasing number of IP rights being infringed. The porn industry can't have its cake and eat it, I suppose. The quantity of and access to pornography has undoubtedly skyrocketed in the internet age. Competition in the industry, too, has never been higher. Indeed, you could even argue the industry has changed out of all recognition. Ron Jeremy's moustache and medallion days are gone, it seems. Nowadays, every other 22 year old with a webcam is a potential porn star.

Whatever your views on X-rated material, though, Ron Jeremy makes a worthwhile point: why shouldn't adult movies be afforded the same respect and protection as mainstream Hollywood films? Creative content is, after all, creative content. Whether it takes the form of hardcore porn, he argues, is neither here nor there. And if certain internet activity is infringing the content owners' rights, it should be tackled head-on. Nevertheless, the industry faces up uphill battle. At best, the general public views such content in a rather light-hearted manner and would likely consider that the IP rights in X-rated material to be less worthy of protection than, say, a Hollywood movie. Others, adopt a dimmer view, believing porn to be a bane of the internet. Either way, society is unlikely take Ron Jeremy's message to heart, leaving the content owners to take on the hosts of pirated material through legal channels.


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