dCard: Health 2.0 Group Releases Standard for Physician Information

dCard: Health 2.0 Group Releases Standard for Physician Information

My health colleagues over at change:health (Christopher and Robert) and Organized Wisdom (Steve and Unity) along with Within3, the founding members, have worked together to release a new open standard dCard (doctor card) to establish basic e-standards for the collecting, storing and sharing of physician information. The dCard is also designed as a central location for the physician to maintain their core data and information.

The dCard concept is being initially supported by a group of nine health care technology companies. As the change:health press release indicates, joining them are eight other companies working together to develop the dCard:
  • Within3 (Online professional network for health science professionals and organizations)
  • OrganizedWisdom Health (First human-powered, physician-reviewed search service for health information, products and services on the web)
  • VerusMed (Providers of clinical briefs for 150,000+ physicians and healthcare professionals)
  • Peerclip (Online tool that enables physicians to organize, share, discuss and discover relevant medical information)
  • Ozmosis (Online platform that unites physicians and healthcare organizations in a collaborative environment to improve patient care)
  • Enurgi (Online healthcare services company that connects families and patients-in-need with 1 million+ local, clinical caregivers across the country)
  • J. Parkinson, M.D. (Leading healthcare consumerism advocate and New York-based family practice physician)
  • ReliefInsite (Secure, online pain management services)
I'm looking forward to learning more about the format and concept as the work to define the standard continues. Read more about the development of the dCard effort via VentureBeat and the press (change:health blog post). More from Unity Stokes at Organized Wisdom here.

Note: Not to be confused with this D-Card - but the entire industry could learn a lot from the Big D (see this post). Great step forward by this group. Christopher, you understand - I'm just returning from the land of Animal Kingdom and Magical Kingdoms and still not back in reality.


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