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MSNBC has an interesting article on coprorate indentity theft ... where a fraudster steals the identity of an existing company and establishes credit facilities in the company's name: MSNBC - Fake companies, real money.
More related web entries for - Corporate identity theft:
- undefined
- Incident: Tape containing records of 2 million mortgagors lost
- Meth users and identity theft go together like rats and garbage
- Korea Solves the Identity Theft Problem
- Greater risk of fraud if personal data is stolen in smaller batches
- Poorly designed online interfaces make identity theft simple
- Red cross employee implicated in ID theft of blood donors
- Cornell University outlines security and privacy incident response plans
- "Trust is fundamental. Distrust has a devastating impact on profitability."
- Ontario government switches to damage control
- Shifting the risk and imposing statutory damages in identity theft cases
- Don't be liable for identity theft
- Identity theft and fraud in the healthcare context
- NJ to Enjoy Strong Identity Theft Protections
- Hawai'i puts anti-ID theft law on the books
- Canadian polling on ID theft
- Shred-a-thon in North Carolina
- Article: Who has your number?
- Privacy and fraud are scaring consumers away from e-commerce
- Leger Marketing poll on ID theft and perceptions in Canada
- Incident: Missing laptop affects 500 Safeway employees
- A modest proposal for security breach notification
- Canadian Passport Office caught in document mix-up
- Westlaw Agrees to Stop Selling Social Security Numbers, Schumer Urges Other Companies to Follow Suit
- NYT: How Billions of Pieces of Information Are Bought and Sold
- The root causes of identity theft
- What's the root of identity theft
- Woman's medical file used as a prop; woman sues
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