Another university hacked; personal information breached

Another university hacked; personal information breached

Here goes another one ....

The UCSD Guardian Online: Hackers breach Extension computers:

"Campus administrators detected a low-level breach of computers within the UCSD Extension network, which has stored more than 4,800 files of students' personal information.

"This was a very unfortunate incident," UCSD Extension Marketing Director Monica Doyle said. "Universities are getting hacked into all the time now - that's why it's important we have really good security."

A university investigation into the breach, which administrators discovered on Nov. 6, revealed that hackers did not access any of the files on affected computers. The files contained full names, social security numbers and credit card information for students and alumni.

"This breach was used to store music and DVDs," Doyle said. "There is no evidence that any personal records were accessed."

Pursuant to state law, administrators notified individuals affected by the breach of the incident and advised them to place fraud alerts on their credit cards to avoid identity theft. The law requires companies and state agencies to notify individuals if their personal information is electronically compromised...."


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