Viral Video Chart: Explosion of Internet Video

Viral Video Chart: Explosion of Internet Video

For some fascinating facts (blurbs) on the growth (explosion) of the online video market -- courtesy of the likes of YouTube, Google Video and MySpace -- check out Viral Video Chart. Viral Video Chart tracks the world's most talked about videos.

Over the last year I've watched with interest the growth of video social networking. I'm amazed by the stats (60,000 new videos uploaded and over 100 million viewed a day) and yet 75% of the people that I talk to have never heard of YouTube. Just amazing what the figures will show as more people explore this type of online medium.

Thanks to Denise Howell and Jeff Jarvis for the tip on Viral Video.

Some of the facts from the Viral Video Chart: Blurb:
The most viewed video on YouTube is currently The Evolution of Dance, which was watched by 10 million people during April 2006 and has now been viewed over 30 million times. The guy doing the dance medley, Judson Laipply, is now not merely a motivational speaker from Cleveland, Ohio, but an internet superstar.

According to Hitwise, the top 5 sites in the US for online video are YouTube (43% market share), MySpace (25%), Yahoo! (10%), MSN (9%) and Google (6%) (Hitwise, 24 May 2006)

Hitwise ranks YouTube the 42nd biggest website in the world (Hitwise, 24 May 2006)

Every day over 60,000 new videos are uploaded to YouTube and over 100 million videos are viewed - that's 3 billion videos a month (USA Today, 16 July 2006)

YouTube was founded by a bunch of twenty-somethings in February 2005, launched in September 2005, has taken $11.5m funding from Sequoia Capital, and is estimated to be losing about $1m a month in bandwith fees. (Wikipedia)

Speculation about YouTube's valuation is currently a favourite pastime of the blogosphere, with Techcrunch suggesting it could be worth as much as $2 billion (CNET, 24 August 2006)

For just one of the many examples of the creativity being released on YouTube check out this video, "Here It Goes Again".


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