“How to pass first year contract law exam” – err, try revising perhaps?
“cow saves a life” – the really scary part is this person searched for the same thing twice and arrived at the same page on my blog staying for a couple of minutes each time.
“Lawyer with tats” – ooh tasteful.
“how to claim against pedestrian” – Allege they came at you with a baseball bat and that’s how you got ‘those’ bruises. Next?
“statute book funnies” – I can’t possibly imagine what could qualify as a statute book ‘funny’.
“when is getting an llm degree worth the cost” – when you’re stuck in a rut, not quite sure what to do and have a few grand to spare. Next?
“wallapers of sign of law and llb” – I’ve no idea what sort of thing this person was looking to find.
“how to start praying” – Kneel down, hands together, bow head.... there, you’ve pretty much got it. You’re a natural! ;-)
“fainted dental work experience” – Probably nature’s way of telling you that a career in dentistry isn’t for you.
“i have never used an ink pen before and have to use one for school in year 6” – oh, bless you.
“how much compensation for dentist dropping down throat” What, the whole dentist?
“quirky lawstudent” – I think we’re all quirky in our own special way.
“are widescreen displays better for law students?” Yes. Unequivocally.
“usb space too law to action” – No, I don’t know what this person was searching for either.
“in what circumstances did leslie ash contract mrsa” – Contaminated ones.
“what happened to schumaker's belly” – If that’s “Schumacher”, it succumbed to the G-forces through turn 9 at Fiorano.
“what looks good on a law student cv” – relevant work experience, great grades, enriching extracurricular activities. You know – the usual.
“abercrombie manager came up on me” – Firstly, “that’s what she said!” - Sorry – been watching too much of ‘The Office – an American workplace’! :D Secondly, ....
“what is the protection of drivers against drunk pedestrians?” – Err, the bumper and windshield.
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