Microsoft Songsmith: So bad it's good...well, nearly!

Microsoft Songsmith: So bad it's good...well, nearly!

You’ll definitely need your earplugs for this one, no matter how broad your taste in music might be. I first learnt of this monstrosity from listening to the latest TWiT (This Week in Tech) podcast and the snippet of the video they played was cringe-worthy enough the first time around.  Still, it's such a brarmer that I thought I just had to share it on Law Actually.

The ad, for what it's worth, is not an official Microsoft one but rather one made by a couple of Microsoft employees.  Quite how serious they were about it, I don't know.  They've probably been laid off by now in any event.

All together now:

“I’m singing with my laptop…

Making up new songs…”



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