Photo courtesy of James McCauley
Not my headline; it’s the witty, attention-grabbing header chosen by the South Gloucestershire Observer dated 07/07/11. Oh yes!
A woman was injured after falling from a footpath the city council has failed to make safe, despite pledges it would do so.
She was rescued from a stream after slipping from the path between Water Lane [appropriately named?!], Tesco supermarket and Calington Road, Brislington.
It is not clear how she ended up in the water but four Avon fire and rescue appliances and Great Western Ambulance Service were needed to get her out of the water and onto a spinal board.
“It’s not clear how the woman ended up in the water?” How about – she slipped?
More to the point, why on earth did it take 4 fire engines and crews to get her out of a stream? Talk about adding insult to injury. Was it not enough that the poor woman suffered the ignominy of going a over t into a stream without the local rag implying she’s the size of a fully grown rhino!
A fire service spokeswoman said the woman had fallen 2m into the water.
Good to see the roving reporter actually did some kind of research then. Strange that the fact the woman ended up in the water remained a mystery to them then!
Phil Collins,
[traa la la]
who lives with his disabled, 82-year old mum Margaret on nearby Homemead Drive, said the path was far too treacherous to take her along in her wheelchair.
… The woman who fell in the stream was taken to hospital with back injuries but it is not believed that she was seriously hurt.
Huh! And what about her pride after this brarmer went to press?
If you've suffered a slip, trip or fall, you may wish to consult a firm of no win no fee solicitors.
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