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Coming as I do from Cornwall, I thought it would be appropriate to mention this one. I first learned about Charlotte Dymond during an English lesson at school but have since read much more about it. There is an excellent write up about it by accomplished crime writer Linda Stratmann. There is also a fascinating book published by Pat Munn dedicated to the mystery surrounding the murder of Charlotte Dymond. While some of the conclusions that Munn comes to are perhaps less than logical, it is an excellent read nonetheless.
Charlotte Dymond, an attractive 18 year old domestic servant was found murdered near Roughtor Ford on 14th April 1844. Her colleague and boyfriend, crippled farm-hand Matthew Weeks, was hanged for her murder. Her body had lain undiscovered on Bodmin moor for several days before it was found by a search party. The Ballad of Charlotte Dymond written by Charles Causley explains the story of the whole affair far more eloquently and concisely than I am capable of, so will let the ballad take it from here:
It was a Sunday evening Her shawl of diamond redcloth, About her throat her necklace In her purse four shillings Out beyond the marshes Charlotte walked with Matthew Charlotte she was gentle Matthew, where is Charlotte, Why do you not answer, Why do you mend your breast-pleat Why do you sit so sadly Has she gone to Blisland | Take me home! cried Charlotte, Her skin was soft as sable, Her cheeks were made out of honey, As Matthew turned at Plymouth ‘I’ve come to take you, Matthew, ‘She is as pure,’ cried Matthew, ‘She is as guiltless as the day They took him off to Bodmin, All through the granite kingdom And your steel heart search, Stranger, But lie upon the moorland |
To view my FAQ concerning Charlotte Dymond, click HERE.
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