As a health lawyers who focuses on issues around health information technology I was surprised to read the article and learn about this West Virginia based company. I had not heard of them before. I plan to reach out to them and see how we might get them involved in the West Virginia Health Information Network and other West Virginia based health technology efforts.
This company is another great example of creative West Virginians coming home to West Virginia to create a new economy in our state.
According to EvriChart's website, the company offers a variety of services to health care HIM departments. They have a solution called EvriChart Clear that create a documented, customized medical records plan for the retention and destruction of your patient files, including:
- Identifies all records eligible for destruction
- Provides full documentation of all records eligible for destruction
- Verifies which records should be retained
- Provides a searchable file level index for retained records
- Prevents costly errors with stored records
- Provides ongoing management for future destruction
- Provides web-based request and retrieval of retained records
- Provides a complete management plan
- Populates your EHR on-demand
The company also provide web-based access to the health information through its product called EvriChart Client Portal.
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