Claimant hopes he is inching towards justice

Claimant hopes he is inching towards justice

From the Consumerist 10/01/11:

What with all that free healthcare and those easygoing natures up north in Canada, there's not much to get upset about. So why not sue over a penis enlarger to stir stuff up?

A Quebec man says that even though he used the penis enlarger in question for 500 hours total, it never worked. Imagine spending that much time with something that is doing absolutely nothing!

500 hours?! That’s dedication for you. But really – was there no (ahem) change whatsoever? 

If not, surely there was a point along the way before the claimant had amassed a whopping 500 hours of use that made him think, “maybe this isn’t working”.

He's going before small claims court, trying to get $762 in moral and punitive damages and to cover the cost of the tool [snicker snicker] in question, the $262 X4 Extender Deluxe Edition, says the Chronicle Herald.

At least he didn’t suffer any kind of injury or otherwise do himself a mischief stretching himself seven ways to Sunday!

I was going to produce some kind of spoof graphic for this post, but having stumbled across the manufacturer’s website, my reaction to their own banner was too good to omit.

stone the crows

Ouch!  That sounds horribly like spinal traction to me!!

With all those apparently wasted hours behind him, the man told a paper in Granby, Que., that he was speaking out so that other men wouldn't make the same mistake he had. A judge is expected to rule on the case in the next month and a half.

The story was posted on Consumerist back in early January, but after a quick search on Google, I’ve not been able to find any kind of update on the judgment. This case has really been inching along! Maybe the judge wanted to try the product for himself?

Be right back

Anyhoo, all of this excitement has reminded me of a hilarious moment late last year in one of TWiT podcasts I regularly listen to.  Here’s a snippet.

What started out as an innocent discussion about the form factor of tablets / slate PCs quickly degenerates into something much worse!


Oh yes–Cali’s a sceptical kinda girl!


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