Motorist with X-ray vision defies need to clear windscreen

Motorist with X-ray vision defies need to clear windscreen

From BBC News 13/01/10:

A motorist who ventured out in Devon with her windscreen virtually covered in thick snow has been spoken to by police about hazardous driving.

The elderly woman, who has not been named, was given an ice scraper too by police after being spotted on Lea Road in Tiverton last week.

Officers have also asked her neighbours to offer her help in the future.

Police are continuing to urge drivers to be sensible and to clear vehicles of ice and snow before driving anywhere.

snow windscreen Wow. I’m not quite sure what you say to this. Bizarrely, the clearest patch is actually on the passenger’s side of the windscreen.  So, at the risk of asking silly questions, what was the deal?  Could she simply not be bothered to clear it, was too batty to notice or really had x-ray vision?

Either way, I would have probably done more than simply present the old dear with an ice scraper.  Rapping her over the head with it would have been a good place to start.



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